Sell Your Domain with A Broker



Your domain is worth as much as a buyer is willing to pay to have it. As a seller, you don't want to undercut yourself after years of hard work to build the reputation of your website, but then again you have made up your mind to sell your virtual property.


There could be many different reasons that led you to the decision of exiting your online business or shutting down your website but then your current domain name could be a valuable property that others are searching for.


Or, as a lot of other entrepreneurs are finding, buying and selling domains can be a very lucrative business in itself.


There are two easy ways of selling domain: sell the domain name on your own or use a domain broker. A broker is the easy way to sell a domain but it does depend on the brokers added on services and systems that really does make an impact here. Domain broker also usually charges a fee for the service, only charges this fee AFTER the sale and has a flat fee policy in place! Most others will also only allow you to list a few domains for free and then charge for the rest and or have massive sales fees on final sales revenues.


Domain brokers know that it is not just anyone that can buy your domain name, which is why domain brokers will do everything possible within their reach just to find the best possible individual or group that has a clear plan of buying and making good use of your online property.


Indeed, a lot of domains remains unsold over a long period of time and it is also important that you decide what you what your domain to do before its sold. Some brokers offer some type of ‘parking’ service that allows for ads to be present on your site, to earn a passive income, or allows the site to be hosted by them so you don’t have to pay hefty web site hosting costs.


DomainsDeck allows for both these as well as massively customization of your sales page, this to ensure that you stay in charge of you domain, this, however, works both ways, the more information and data you put on your sales page the better it is for SEO purposes and also a future sale of said domain.





A domain broker is a person who specialized in buying and selling domain names for others using their already established sales platform and contacts. Domain brokers are professionals that operate in a different number of ways, they can represent an owner of a domain name or a domain name buyer, and sometimes they operate as a neutral third party between the seller and the buyer. They have more tactics, more contacts, and they are better negotiators. The goal of a broker is to sell your domain for a fair price, not to find a miracle buyer with deep pockets.


Most brokers have access to some type of Escrow service and as such is a more secure way of finalize a domain sale.


There are a number of ways in which a seller can sell domain names. Apart from personal or private transactions, the best alternative is through a broker.





With the following steps, you can easily get yourself a broker with a lot of contacts, good track record and a lot of experience.



ADVANTAGE OF A BROKER (Premium Domain Brokerage)




One of the important advantages of a broker in domain business is how to negotiate a good price on your behalf. Not everyone can master the skills required in negotiation because it is more of an art. It requires some high level of skills to fix the value and the method to be deployed in selling your domain name. Many buyers are interested in buying a top quality domain and that is why the seller through a broker must have the ability to sell top-level domain names to the buyer with the highest possible price. Domain name negotiation is truly a process that a broker will start well before the whole process reaches the final stage with a potential buyer. In domain buying and selling business, preparation is the key to a successful negotiation as it stands in any business transaction. Most individuals that sell their domain personally sell far below the valued price of the domain due to lack of negotiation skill and knowledge of the domain market.




You must determine the current market value of your domain and a broker can easily help you with this, clearly stating the lowest price you are willing to accept for the domain. The price will, In the end, be whatever a willing buyer is prepared to pay for the domain, the brokers role it to find that buyer and to maximize the sale value.




In selling a domain name, every hour spent in preparing for negotiation will always be rewarded provided you do it through a broker when an agreement is finally reached. A domain broker will help you to be in a better position to reach a favorable agreement by complete understanding the buyer’s position. Indeed, an inside track idea of what the domain buyers intentions for the domain can be a very valuable tool in negotiations.


DomainsDeck spent 2 weeks on a specific domain that was given an initial offer buy a potential buyer of $4,500! The final sales price was around the $20,000 mark and as such we have done our job!




You need the professional ability of a broker to check the new trends and identify the market values that are obtainable in the industry. It is important to carry out a market survey to know all the latest trends, and a broker can easily do this for you.


A broker will carry out all the above activities and help you discover the real amount that your domain worth.


The only significant disadvantage of using a domain broker is that less and fewer people use their service, but they remain indispensable because they still serve a dynamic role in the domain name industry. The self-serve platforms out there has made a lot of pro brokers less likely to engage in one on one negotiations BUT they are still here and we,, do offer this service as well.